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3 Kinds of Emotional Support Dog Breeds

Emotional Support Dog

Dogs are the most common choice when you think about emotional support animals. Dogs have developed a strong connection with humans over centuries and are often referred to as man’s best friend.

Living can be stressful sometimes, and persistent everyday worries can be daunting. An emotional support dog provides several therapeutic and mental health benefits, which can help you overcome kinds of mental health conditions. Such as PTSD, chronic depression, insomnia, social anxiety, etc.

Have a look at the 

3 most popular emotional support dog Breeds 

Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers have reigned as popular emotional support pets and household pets for a long time. Their even-tempered nature matches well with humans. They are affectionate and smart breeds and would happily indulge in your day to day activities. Retrievers are good at understanding body languages, and upon a little training, you can guide them to learn a few basic signs.

ESA doctors say that retrievers are kid-friendly, and can help your children to develop an early bond with animals.

Getting an emotionally supportive retriever home would be the best thing you would be doing at the beginning of this year. 


Labradors are a popular choice for both service animals and emotional support animals. These friendly creatures possess a calm demeanor, which could provide you companionship and help you ease your anxiety and stress. They have a strong desire to love and gratify, which could be great if you are going through depression or a lowly state. 

Experts say that hugging your emotional support dogs for a few seconds helps release oxytocin in your brain which is often called the love hormone. 

Labs love to cuddle and can help you overcome your hesitative nature and social anxiety issues.

Corgi as an Emotional Support Dog

Corgies are the preferred breed of dogs of the queen of England. At one-time Queen Elizabeth-II had 30 corgies in her household. Corgies are small in size and can grow up to 10-12 inches tall. They bond well with all kinds of humans are agile in nature. However, this inquisitive breed does need loads of mental and physical exercises. 

Your emotional support corgi can help you get out in the field and impel you for positive physical exertion. However, due to this corgis aren’t fit for all health conditions.

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If you already have a pet at home or are wondering if how can you get your dog registered as an emotional support dog.

Have a look into these simple steps,

How to Register an Emotional Support Animal?

Today you can easily apply for your emotional support animal online. Here are the three easy steps to register an emotional support animal.

  • Fill an online application and get in touch with a certified doctor.

  • Get yourself evaluated through your physician.

  • If your doctor certifies that companionship of an ESA can help you overcome your condition. He’d provide you an ESA letter.

  • Avail legal and health benefits of your emotional support animal.